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FTP with Fetch (Macintosh)

Launch Fetch

Launch the application by double clicking on it's icon.

The below screen will come up the first time you launch Fetch:

Set up this window as follows:


User ID: Your user name

Subdomains look like username-xxxxxx, fully qualified domain names with .org and .com extensions look like username and *.net domains look like username-net. Copy and paste from your welcome email.

Password: Your password. Copy and paste from your welcome email.

Directory: Leave this field will be taken to the appropriate directory automatically by the server.

With the correct information entered, click "OK" and you will open a connection with our FTP server. Once connected to a server, your interface should look like this with your files listed in the window to the left.

"Put file" means to upload a file from your local machine to the FTP server. "Get file" means to download a file from the FTP server to your local machine.


Upload documents

1. First have the directory open that you wish to upload TO open in the left window
2. Click on the "Put" button,
3. Find the file you want to upload on your hard drive.
4. Click on the open button
5. Save file as/format.
6. and click "OK".


NOTE: Fetch supports click & drag. you can just click on the file you want to upload and drop it onto the appropriate directory

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FTP Introduction
FTP Commands Viewing Files and Directories
FTP Commands Transfer and Rename files
FTP with WS FTP Windows
FTP with Fetch Macintosh
Using Web Browser for FTP

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